Welcome to IESD
Welcome to the Industry and Energy Systems Decarbonization (IESD) laboratory. Dr. Heidari will lead the IESD research lab at the intersection of energy and the environment. We aim to advance life-cycle system thinking for decarbonizing industry and energy systems through cutting-edge research and innovative solutions.
About IESD
Governments have committed to transitioning the economy to a cleaner industry and 100% carbon-pollution-free electricity by 2035. These ambitious plans require the huge decarbonization of industry and energy systems as they are responsible for more than 75% of GHG emissions. The IESD lab focuses on advancing the field of industry and energy systems decarbonization through innovative research and solutions. At IESD, we are dedicated to creating a sustainable future for all and reducing carbon emissions across the industry. We plan to expand the IESD and hire motivated undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdocs with diverse backgrounds to tackle the most challenging limitations for decarbonizing the US industry and energy systems. Please contact us if you are interested in collaborating and being a part of this research team. We highly encourage minorities and people of historically underrepresented groups to join the team.